Columbia Smiles

How to Clean Your Oral Appliance

Aug 21, 2014 @ 08:21 PM — by Nicholas Pournaras, D.M.D.
Tagged with: Columbia Sc Dentist

Question: What oral health issue do teenagers who wear orthodontic retainers and older folks who wear dentures have in common?

Answer: Both need to pay particular attention to cleaning their oral appliances.

The same goes for anyone who wears a nightguard to control tooth grinding, a mouthguard to protect teeth while playing sports, or a clear aligner for orthodontic treatment. Yet many people aren’t sure how to properly clean their appliances — so here are a few handy tips:



Whether you rely on dentures for everyday use, or just need to wear a retainer for a period of time, your oral appliance serves an important function. It may also represent a significant investment. That’s why it’s worthwhile to spend a few minutes each day giving these important items the care they need.

If you have questions about oral appliance care, please please contact Dr. Nick Pournaras by calling (803) 794-5430 to schedule an appointment.